Saturday, January 26, 2008

This Week's School

So it has been a week of school. Well my classes are okay. On Mondays and Wednesdays I only have one class so it is a great time to catch up on homework and discipleship. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have art in the morning and it isn't that bad because the teacher is cool and my classmates are pretty awesome. There are a lot of asians in my art class, yay. Well then I have a 1 1/2 hour break to spend time with friends and play ds or children's card games. Afterwards I have English and it is a really boring class yet there are way too many people on the waiting list. All the desks are taken leaving me and some other people already in the class with no seat. Booo get out of my seat! Then on Thursday nights I have the most boring teacher teach digital art. I rather have Mrs. Miller from my highschool digital art class teach than this teacher. I fell asleep at 9 PM and the teacher did not wake me up. Plus I am the youngest in the class and everyone is a pro a drawing on the computer. I only have really crudy drawings of domokun and pikachu :(

But the good thing is that I have no class on Fridays.

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