Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Dear Bill Letter

Dear Bill,

Today was a good experience to me because I’ve only seen one time where someone witnessed to another person. That was the time when my grandma accepted Christ. My cousin shared God’s love with my grandma years before she passed away and my grandma accepted Christ into her life. One day when I have a chance and have enough courage to do so I would like to share with someone too. Thank you for the great experience today. I shall keep praying for Mr. Lee.

For my daily devotions, I’ve just finished the book of Proverbs and started the next book afterwards which is Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes chapter 2 tells a story where a man makes a foolish choice by having too much pleasure. He gained so much riches that people see him as the greatest man ever, but he realizes that this pleasure is meaningless and God is more powerful. Also he says that wisdom is more valuable than foolishness. When I read the first part of Chapter 2, I saw part of myself inside it. Before I went to China, I spent a lot of money of video games, movies and electronic devices. I bought so many pleasurable things that I couldn’t satisfy myself. Going to China changed me because I saw the difference between people who were like my old self and the Christians in China who acted a lot differently than I did. I learned a lot in China and I wish to go back to get more experience.

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