Wednesday, January 30, 2008

PSP 1.5 needed!

PSP 1.5 is like the best but i have 3.72... I want 1.5! No one wants to trade with me... boo hoo.

Also my car was frozen solid this morning and I couldn't even get to school... boo hoo again...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

From the Abyss (NDS)

This game was fun but it ended too quickly. The final boss battle took 5 minutes to beat.

I made my character a samurai because his three skills were:

1) A sword slash where he dashes forward and then everything behind him gets hit 5 times and mostly it is an instant kill.

2) A skill where my character's sword slashes become faster. Allowing him to do a 10-hit combo doing 1000 damage.

3) Healing skill level 4, where he heals his hp fully.

LB: Josh Yee

Well this afternoon Josh Yee went back to Long Beach. We stayed at church for awhile waiting for a boring meeting to end, but anyways I could have left earlier but Zachary wanted to play my ds so I stayed. Then there was another church meeting at my house and I played Andrew in Days of Ruin. We still haven't beaten the battle yet.

haha i dont know why he is called bourne...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hsu Family Missionary Send-off

Ok its been 5 months since Jeremy, Ruth, Evan and Grace Hsu came back to America from Dali. It has been a great time to be with them. When Anita the new member of the family was born, we got to celebrate her birth. But today everyone is going back to China. It is so sad... In 2009 I am thinking about going back to China to do missionary in Dali for a few months. So I might not be at school the first semester due to my serving of God in China.

Thank you Hsu family for being here. Also Evan and Grace I will remember the times of playing Cooking Mama with you :)

Utrecht Art Supplies

Located on 1612 Howe Ave on Arden.

It was the first time I went there and they had really good service there. They found what I needed for my art class in like seconds. Excellent pricing ranges as long as I'm a student somewhere.

This Week's School

So it has been a week of school. Well my classes are okay. On Mondays and Wednesdays I only have one class so it is a great time to catch up on homework and discipleship. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have art in the morning and it isn't that bad because the teacher is cool and my classmates are pretty awesome. There are a lot of asians in my art class, yay. Well then I have a 1 1/2 hour break to spend time with friends and play ds or children's card games. Afterwards I have English and it is a really boring class yet there are way too many people on the waiting list. All the desks are taken leaving me and some other people already in the class with no seat. Booo get out of my seat! Then on Thursday nights I have the most boring teacher teach digital art. I rather have Mrs. Miller from my highschool digital art class teach than this teacher. I fell asleep at 9 PM and the teacher did not wake me up. Plus I am the youngest in the class and everyone is a pro a drawing on the computer. I only have really crudy drawings of domokun and pikachu :(

But the good thing is that I have no class on Fridays.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Trogday and Sloth Day

Well my brother told me its Sloth Day on Neopets but I don't go on anymore, lol. And its Trogday on There is a nifty little song called "S stands for sucks." The S dragon song, lol.

Anyways I'm typing this blog at a starbucks coffee place with my psp because I'm out taking photos.

Anime on youtube

Well all of my anime is off of youtube because youtube is banning accounts with anime on them.

The list gets bigger every day.

Snes on DS

Big Mike told me he has snes on his ds. Well tonight I'll get it on my ds as he sends his file. I can't wait to play Donkey Kong.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Mr. Lee

Mr. Lee whom I visited last week has passed away this morning. He is up in heaven now.

Brickfish $1000 Scholarship

Check it Out! Post To...

Sushi Place

I think that was what it was called...

Anyways it is a sushi bar located near William Land Park and the food there is really good. I had L10 off the menu. Which was spicy teriyaki chicken and chicken katsu. I had some good homemade style green tea. It was in a bento box and it was good. I finished it all.

Rainwater Trial Postponed

The Defense Attorney of the prisoner has postponed the meeting to another three weeks because of a stupid reason of the severe weather conditions. Also he did not read his report. Come on! Just hurry up and finish this big arguement.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brickfish 2008 Thousand Dollar Scholarship

I entered a video into the contest but I don't know if I'm going to win because I never go on the website.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

DDR Hot Party (sold out)

Well the DDR game for the Wii was released this month. I want it so badly but everywhere I go it is all sold out. Who bought all the games? I want the bundle set that comes with a dance pad. This game is also hard to find if you try to order online.

I usually don't play the Wii but with DDR I'll start playing Wii again.

Well I am playing Makai Kingdom again because I unlocked a Disgaea character on it and now its awesome.

Prinny Desktop Buddy

go here to download this awesome disgaea widget.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Meet the Spartans Trailer

LoL, its another Epic Movie! I'm going to see it!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Californian Storms

So I am typing a blog right now and the internet and phone are working. Well due to the storms off California I haven't been on in awhile.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Dear Bill Letter

Dear Bill,

Today was a good experience to me because I’ve only seen one time where someone witnessed to another person. That was the time when my grandma accepted Christ. My cousin shared God’s love with my grandma years before she passed away and my grandma accepted Christ into her life. One day when I have a chance and have enough courage to do so I would like to share with someone too. Thank you for the great experience today. I shall keep praying for Mr. Lee.

For my daily devotions, I’ve just finished the book of Proverbs and started the next book afterwards which is Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes chapter 2 tells a story where a man makes a foolish choice by having too much pleasure. He gained so much riches that people see him as the greatest man ever, but he realizes that this pleasure is meaningless and God is more powerful. Also he says that wisdom is more valuable than foolishness. When I read the first part of Chapter 2, I saw part of myself inside it. Before I went to China, I spent a lot of money of video games, movies and electronic devices. I bought so many pleasurable things that I couldn’t satisfy myself. Going to China changed me because I saw the difference between people who were like my old self and the Christians in China who acted a lot differently than I did. I learned a lot in China and I wish to go back to get more experience.

Happy New Years!!!

So it is now 2008! Last night I tried to stay up until midnight to say "Happy New Years!!!" but I fell asleep at like 10:00... anyways my mom and dad watched tv shows past midnight and my brother was on the internet all night while I fell asleep. What was I doing? First I was chatting with some friends over the phone but then I played my DS online. I was playing Worms Open Warfare 2 and I fell asleep, LoL.
Well today is January 1st. I went to the hospital today to visit Mr. Lee, whom I think went to CGBC. Dr. Chan was the doctor and it should be a nurse because it was some lady that was a pro, she probably played Trauma Center because it sounded just like Trauma Center or maybe I just play too many video games, LoL. We did some prayer time today with Mr. Lee at the visit. I went with teacher Bill and the other students.
Then I went to my japanese side's japanese new years celebration where I ate sushi and chicken and stuff. I watched the Rose Bowl Football Game and talked with family. When I got home I fell asleep until dinner time.