Friday, October 31, 2008


Halloween was lame. All I did was homework while being annoyed by constant doorbell ringings.

Oh did I mention that our house is being remodeled so there is like nothing to do?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

MapleStory Back On Again

My friends convinced me to play Maple Story. So I got back on and now I am in Scania.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kirby Super Star Ultra

Kirby Super Star Ultra finally came out too. The different modes on this game is what makes it worth playing. Also there are more powers to use and combinations with the powers. I like this game because you can have a partner with a certain power. One of the new powers which is called Reflect is pretty sweet. Kirby uses mirrors to reflect fireballs or whatever. I also like the Yo-Yo ability because Kirby is like Ness from Earthbound. What I mean by there are more combos with abilities is like the sword ability. It can do much more in this game than before.

Also the cut scenes are all in 3D. The hardest game on this game is Great Cave Offensive because you collect treasures. There are new treasures to this game like Koopa Shell or Screw Attack. Also for this game they introduced new bosses like this RPG boss which is really random.

Check this game out because it is awesome.

Time Hollow

Time Hollow was just released in English. Its a pretty cool game with a lot of mystery. Right now I am on chapter 2. The anime scenes are pretty good. I wish this were a real anime.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fall is here and School is In

Wow its been awhile, huh? Last time I posted was during the Olympics. Well a lot has happened since then. School is back and my classes are well they're okay I guess. Except my art history class. I don't really like it because it is boring.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Plus and Minus >>> Silent Water Studios

Plus and Minus Productions is converting back to the original name. It is now Silent Water Studios.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yung Wok Music Video

Watch it! New music video by Chocamilk Studios featuring me :D

Oh and you'll notice that this is for the "Nice Guy" Wong Fu video contest.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

USA vs Nigeria Table Tennis

USA had 2 ladies originally from China and they played double and singles. They played against Nigeria and it was a rather boring bout. Nigeria would either hit it out of bounds, hit the net or miss the ball. The only time they scored a point was when USA messed up and USA had one amateur player.


Asahi JPN

Asahi from Japan is like another Dalhausser. He blocked like almost everything USA threw at Japan. They were playing against Gibbs and forgot the partner's name. Anyways I didn't see the final round of the volleyball match but it looked like Japan was winning. When I looked online later it said that USA won. Asahi was so close.

Men's AA Gymnastics Final

The All Around Gymnastics was on yesterday and Yang Wei won China gold. When Yang messes up on something he covers it up really good with something that looks nice. Also the things he does is really high in difficulty. USA took bronze I think? USA was good but they all had their own special talents on each round. Yang Wei managed to be the best at every event.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Track and Field Training

I started to do training for Spring's track and field. I ran Buddy around Elk Grove in the morning, went to the gym to build up cardio and lift weights and then at 4 I sparred with Mike and Matt. Unfortunately they always choose to spar in the heat and don't spar very long. I was kind of disappointed that we talked most of the time and did less excercise... But at night I replaced that training time with some running on Wii Fit and balance tests.

Oh I unlocked this game where I just have to sit still for 3 minutes and I get 100% score on it since its so easy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gymnastics 8/11

Japan struggled yesterday, but China and USA were both competitive. I didn't get to see who won because I was too tired from basketball fellowship that I fell asleep...

Michael Phelps Wins Again

He has just set a new world record as well as winning all gold medals yesterday night!

Monday, August 11, 2008

CHN USA medals standings

China has 9 gold medals, 3 silver medals, 2 bronze medals so far.
USA has 3 gold medals, 4 silver medals, 5 bronze medals so far.

Switzerland Legend

Roger Ferderer, the best tennis player in the world, the legend won the first round of tennis singles. Everyone was watching the game even LeBron James from the USA basketball team. The match between Dmitry Tursinov and Roger Ferderer was exciting.

Ferderer is on most of the tennis games on the game system cases...

Dalhausser and Roger Volleyball Duo

Dalhausser is one tall dude. He blocked about every spike the Switzerland team used. This USA team is one good one. With Dalhausser blocks and spikes and Roger's quickness and excellent measuring skills they make one tough team to beat. Switzerland was doing good but couldn't manage to spike the ball passed Dalhausser's block.

Weightlifting China

China won weightlifting and took the GOLD. Awesome job!

Zhang Xiangxiang won the 62kg men's weightlifting. Xiangxiang was going to attempt lifting a new world record of 404 lbs. Though he didn't finish it, it was a good attempt.
Chen Yangqing won the 58kg women's weightlifting.

Oscar Figuero from Columbia hurt his thumb so he was at a really hard disadvantage for lifting up weights but his partner Diego Salazar got silver in the competition.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Archery China

China Taipei (Taiwan) beat USA in archery by 11 points. They were shooting all 10s and 9s. USA was almost tied. Right now China is playing against Great Britain and Great Britain is leading by 35 points.

Edit at 8:13 PM: China wins by 3 points!

Now its Australia vs Poland and they have some awesome music by Tank (Chinese Rock)playing.

Bike Racing in Rain

Well I was watching the bike race this afternoon and it started to rain making the roads slippery. They were racing on one side of the Great Wall and I noticed that it was the area that I walked by last year (the area I got lost at). Bikers fell from the slippery road and looks like they came out uninjured which was good. I think someone from Australia accidentally hit someone from Korea causing six others to fall.

USA vs China Basketball

I didn't see it yet, but I read that China lost... I'm both nationalities so I want to see the game. Thankfully NBC has put the game on their site so I'm going to watch it later.

It was Yao vs NBA!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gymnastics and Volleyball Tonite

The USA team for gymnastics was amazing. This one guy scored a 15. 9 with a difficulty of 6.1 because he was going like super speed!!! Also I was watching USA vs Japan Women's volleyball and they were hitting it back and forth. It was good. But then there was Austria vs China Men's volleyball and those guys on the China team are strong and tall.

Friday, August 8, 2008

MGS Music during Badmitton

Ireland vs Germany was tonight. The badmitton game between Scot Evans and Marc Zweibler was intense. They were hitting the whiffle back and forth just like tennis balls. Anyways what was really funny was that they had Metal Gear Solid's song from Brawl "Encounter" during their 1 minute break time. I was going to show my brother but he was too busy playing Wii Fit.

The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

This movie was okay. I was kind of disappointed that Jet Li was a really cheap mummy with so many powers including shapeshifting... There were too many guns involved and a lot of things didn't make sense like how did an ancient Chinese mummy understand English when he only spoke Chinese. Otherwise I thought it was an okay movie. A lot of comedy put into it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wisdom Teeth Postponed

My mom postponed the appointment for a later date. Really disappointing...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Surewest Dalleo Construction

They are doing construction in the neighborhood parking their giant vehicles in peoples' driveways. Therefore I can't go anywhere...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

WTF: The Net

So I was playing Work Time Fun again and I got this really great game called "The Net". At first I had no idea what to do since you don't really do anything on this game so I looked at gamefaqs and it says you have to wait a time limit then reel in fish with the analog stick. The longest I've tried waiting but failed was 5 hours, lol.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Neo Geo

Why I don't really like Neo Geo...
Neo Geo is mostly arcade style games. Almost all the games are fighting games. Here are the categories for the games...

1. Fighting

2. Sports

3. Puzzle

4. Sidescrollers

5. Shooting

Yeah that pretty much sums up Neo Geo for ya. The only games I like playing for Neo Geo are King of Fighters, Samurai Showdown and Metal Slug.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

My wisdom teeth are really bugging me now! My consultation appointment is in two weeks and then hopefully I will have the appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed before school starts.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Silent Water Banners

I decided to upload the different silent water banners that may or may not be used.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Duel Invitation

No comment at all... I was invited to a duelist tournament that my friend was going to hold. Well I don't play yugioh anymore so I denied the request. Also if I did enter I would just lose because my deck is not as good as it used to be. My strongest monster can easily be defeated by all these new cards...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Basketball Wk 5

Yesterday there were fewer people at basketball night. So there were no substitutes for the games and we played a lot. The Lu family told my dad that they got Wii Fit and their family plays it a lot.

Oh and I found out that youtube works on the wii internet channel. It is so awesome! Next I'm going to see if blogger works on the wii!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Not Really News

Well last week I went to the gym with Andrew and I saw Matt who hasn't been to FOCUS in awhile. I wonder if he'll be there tomorrow. Anyways today I went to the gym again and had a stomach ache probably because I didn't eat so healthy before going to the gym. I really need a haircut. Maybe I'll get one tomorrow... anyways yeah...
Oh and how do you like my new site banner?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Huh? Another one?

What would happen if there were three or more clones in my little version of a clone war?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Earth Bending a Conclusion

Well tonight was the final episode of Avatar The Last Airbender... I just wished they'd make more episodes... Anyways it was good and I can't wait for the complete set is released so I can get it. Above is a picture of me, Earth Bending.

Clone War Continues...

And... the battle continues yet again...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wii Fit Talk

Well looks like David used our wii fit and selected my alien looking mii as his wii fit user. I didn't get to play for 3 days so I don't know how my next results will be.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wii Fit Towel

This looks like the most ridiculous thing to buy at the store. The price of it was $9.99 but you only get two towels. If I went to Wal-Mart I could buy 4 normal towels for like $5. I would buy one of these towels if it was like $1.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wii Fit

My whole family has played Wii Fit more than me. They play so much that I don't get to play... sigh... I haven't stood on the balance board for about a week...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

$1 Coffee

The coffee I usually get is now $1! It is 30 cents cheaper! It is a good deal!

July 4th

July 4th was a good day. The 4th of July party at the Czechs' was a fun one. This year I didn't get wet by water balloons or the hose. I stayed out in the field where I played some volleyball. Usually I only play a little volleyball at the party but I stayed and played the whole game. Anyways a lot of kids enjoyed the water slide that was provided. The fireworks were pretty cool that night. A lot of fireworks cost a lot of money but with a church family we were able to see a lot of fireworks. Oh and the food was good at the party.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ballin on Monday

I didn't have my game on yesterday. I was using new shoes that I've never played in... Also I hurt my knee so I was off balance.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

FFTA2: Hard Missions

Well I leveled up my main users on FFTA2, but Frimelda who you unlock after turning her from a zombie into a paladin is weak. I am stuck on a ranking 50 mission where you have to use only her against this swordsman you help in the "Swordking" mission. Now the swordsman is samurai class and he is really fast and all his sword attacks are strong and give status problems. Frimelda can dodge regular attacks and stuff but she only has three really lame abilities... So I'm changing her class to soldier and hopefully I can make her into a samurai with the same abilities as the one she has to fight.

Another mission which I really don't understand is the "Food Textures" mission. I defeated all the rabbit things but then I fail the mission. I don't even know what items I am supposed to be collecting... and this mission is only ranking 8. My characters are like 50 levels higher than the enemies.

Also I got the towers to complete. Now I beat one tower and at the top of the tower there were 2 level 90 marlboro kings which I killed by using instant ko moves, but if I didn't have my assasin I would've lost because my characters were like level 50-57. Also there was an annoying rabbit that raises its team's defense, resistance, speed, attack, health and gives them regeneration ability. The other creature was a werewolf with a lot of power and really powerful ability that leaves my character with 1 HP and 1 MP. He also counter-attacks everything. I am way too scared to go back in the tower because first I have to survive 4 floors of monsters and then fight really powerful monsters at the top.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 is an awesome game. I am at the part where you get Vaan and Penelo (FFXII: Revanent Wings) into my clan.

My clan so far (Clan Shinomari):

1. Parvir (samurai) - I use this class for my main character because he is fast and dodges all physical attacks and counter-attacks. Also his sword attacks are really powerful and they are both direct and indirect. Also I gave him some ninjutsu abilities so he can give status problems to enemies. When his smash gauge is up, he can summon a dark creature that does a bunch of damage and causes sleep and doom. I equipped my main character with shoes that let him teleport so he can get anywhere. I have yet to find the ability to equip two swords. (Favorite Move: Skyfury Blade)

2. Adelle: Ninja Class - I made Adelle a ninja because my main character is already a samurai. Adelle has a unique class called Heritor and it lets her equip almost any weapon. Anyways the skills that the class has are kind of unknown so far because she only has one skill for that class so far and it is really powerful. I use Adelle for speed. I have the thief's ability of counter so she can counter a non-magic attack. When ninjutsu is banned, I switch to her thief abilities. Another good thing about her is that items can't be stolen. (Favorite Move: Lenahart)

3. Cid: Master Monk/White Monk Class - Okay, I made Cid a Master Monk because the attacks look cool. I like the Dark Fist. I equipped him with the shoes that let him walk on water because in all Chinese films martial artists walk on water, lol. Since Cid has a lot of HP, I like to use those powerful attacks that do a lot of damage, but harm the user. When Cid's HP is low, I either use Inner Focus or Chakra to gain HP back. He has Absorb Damage as his reaction ability so he can gain HP, I made a Trickster for awhile to obtain the ability. (Tricksters are too hard to use) Also he is good against zombies and dark monsters. (Favorite Move: Air Render)

4. Hurdy: Bard/Animist Class - Hurdy is a really awesome character. As a bard, he can heal HP, give power-ups, one hit ko's to zombies and ghosts and give healing abilities like regenerate and repraise. I also made him an animist class because he needs some abilities to give status problems to enemies. Also using Cuisine on an ally recovers their HP fully. If the enemy does a critical to Hurdy, he'll move faster with Haste. (Favorite Move: Nameless Song)

5. Vaan: Sky Pirate Class - Now Vaan is from the other DS game, Revanant Wings. I haven't used him that much in any missions yet so I don't know how good or how bad he is. I only did one mission with him and he is like a thief with a bunch of power-ups. (Favorite Move: Swipe)

6. Penelo: Dancer/White Mage Class - Penelo is an okay character. She is also from the other DS game. Her white magic is useful for healing. Her abilites are okay, I guess. I like the witch hunt ability because it does a lot of damage to users who use magic. (Favorite Move: Witch Hunt)

7. Cannoneer/Gladiator Bangaa Class - Okay he is really useful in combat. I let him use his gladiator abilities like Beatdown through a cannon. So he doesn't have to be right next to an enemy to use it. Also if enemies are surrounding him, he can use Wild Swing to do damage. I like the abilities where he charges his cannon and he can hit multiple enemies at once with an attack. He has Counter, so if he is hit by a physical attack he can counter. I gave him shoes that lets him jump really high so he can fire his cannon at high places. (Favorite Move: Beatdown)

8. Assasin/Red Mage Viera Class - I made her use magic so she can attack from a distance. With her assasin abilities so far, she can turn someone into stone or cause instant ko. She has shoes that lets her move really far. Also she can regenerate after she gets hit by a physical attack. When her smash gauge is up, she can summon a fire creature that does damage to every enemy. (Favorite Move: Rockseal)

9. Arcanist/Black Mage Nu Mou Class - Since I mastered every Black Mage ability with this character, he can use every black magic spell and can counter magic. His arcanist spells lets him drain hp or slow down the enemy while gaining status power ups. Also while being an arcanist, his spells can't be reflected. He gets a speed boast from gaining stats from being a time mage so he isn't as slow. Also he can absorb fire attacks. (Favorite Move: Firaga)

10. Ravager/Hunter Grin Class: She has speed and she can fly. I gave her the ability to dodge any physical attack and then counter-attack. I still have to let her master more abilities though because she only knows power up boasts and hunter abilities. I use her in battle a lot because she can dodge and fly. (Favorite Move: Sneak Attack)

These are the character I mainly use but I have a total of 18 in my clan.

Monday, June 23, 2008

RRNC Summer Basketball Fellowship 2008

Tonight, I went to the first fellowship meeting at Didion Elementary for the Summer basketball fellowship. There was a lot of people there and I got to test my skills against different people from my church. I didn't know David played b-ball! There were a lot of people that I saw who I never seen play basketball before. The second game I played was with my dad on the other team. It was fun. Anyone want any more info on when and where we meet to play basketball go to:

Look for Men's Monday Night Basketball Fellowship

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Andrew's Yugioh Madness

Yup my brother plays his game too much. He might turn into a new Davis that always asks to duel... Well anyways above is an evolved version of my brother's favorite card. It is the Cyber Beast King Barbaros.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Laguna Gator

I saw the news today and an aligator was found in the Laguna West area in someone's front yard. The gator was found in the area where I take Buddy out for walks to and sometimes I watch the ducks in the lake nearby.

In is a mystery on how the gator was there in the first place. Legends say that there are gators in the lake of Laguna West, it could possibly be true.

For more information about this check out cbs news website:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day Part 2 (kinda)

Although today wasn't Father's Day, my mom's side of the family went out to Banzai in GreenHaven for a Father's Day dinner. The food was good but Osaka is better. Tomorrow my cousin Lauren will be in New York. Hope she has fun. :D

Anyways after dinner, I went to FOCUS and there were three guys there.. and there were a lot of girls... yup it is the opposite of LIFE. Anyways... we need more people at FOCUS because the same people are coming every week. We have two high school girls in the group and all of the rest of the people are in their second, third or fourth year of college.

With the new high school graduates, there should be some new people coming to FOCUS.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Must Receive Christ

John 1:12

But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in his name.

This is the verse that I have to memorize by next week as well as know what it means. I've memorized it just now and learned what it means. Now I am going to set a goal to apply it in my life.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today was Father's day and church service was good. I got my dad a Hallmark card that he really liked. I tried getting Wii Fit for the family, but it was all sold out... (boo-hoo)

My family ate dinner at Tea Garden in Elk Grove and we got all this discount stuff because it was Father's Day. Normally it would cost a lot of money.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Don't Use Action Replay

Don't even use any of that stuff because it will mess up all of your games. So if you want to cheat try to cheat in a way that costs absolutely no money and it doesn't involve cheating. So yeah it is impossible to cheat. Thats the right way to do things, which is to not cheat at all.

Note: I tried cheating on Animal Crossing and my screen went black and then the game stopped working... and wow I put so much effort in my town without cheating. Lesson Learned!

Codejunkies = lame codes that messes up your game or they don't work at all, otherwise I am a noob for not knowing how to use it.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summon Night Twin Age Review

Well I just beat this game. Compared to previous Summon Night games, I found this one a lot more fun. The previous games on the GameBoy Advance were in action rpg form but it was like side-scrolling. The ds version lets you customize your character skills and actions for battle. You have to do certain things with your stylus to do damage to enemies. I liked the bosses in this game because most of them were challenging. The music is also good. I liked how none of the music sounded exactly the same. This game has a really good storyline. I am currently doing Extra Missions.

I give this game a 4 out of 5 stars. The picture above is in Japanese but this game is out in America already.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Focus Tonight

Well as always I was the first one to arrive at Focus. Tim couldn't make it because Summer classes just started and he had homework to do. Well Arianna, Gabriella and I forgot the other sisters names came. Kayla came because it was her birthday. Who surprisingly came was Mr. Josh! Anyways dinner was a delicacy and dessert was a yummy strawberry cake.

Tonight's message was a continuation of the study on the gospel. Next week we are going to take the spiritual gifts test and talk about spiritual gifts that God has given us.

The question was "where was Tim and Matt?" were they watching the basketball game?

Sunday, June 8, 2008


ヨーヨーyo その 外本当に暖めて、imがそのただ暑い外部を除いて寒気に試みて人員を配置する その とてもあつい!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

America's Best Dance Crew Season 2

Wow. There were a lot of disappointments in this opening season. I didn't really like any of the teams. The amazing thing was that Fanny Pak, a weird looking group actually made the season. My friend wanted Team Millenia to go on because he knew some of the people on the team. I think there was one person on that team that I went to high school with. But yeah there was a lot of disappointments.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Congrats to 2008 Seniors!

Congratulations to all of my 2008 Senior buddies and family! All of you made it through high school and now are going to be all grown up in careers and colleges!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Yup now that my bro has his DS back he is now addicted. Once he gets Wii Fit, he will be even more addicted...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Patriot MicroSD

Well my mom finally found it and I discovered that I chose a 2 pack 2gb microsd combo without looking. Amazingly it only cost $30.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So I told my mom to buy a MicroSD card for my brother's R4 and she lost it. Now I hope my brother doesn't take my DS again on Tuesday nights when I am not home...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Brother's Bday Celebration

Today we are celebrating my brother's birthday, which is tomorrow but we will have no time tomorrow because of work and school. Well at least I am not in school anymore but my brother will have school all day. I start work at the library really soon. Anyways so far my brother woke up, played video games and then went back to sleep. Wow, he has got to be the laziest person I know. He is supposed to finish his homework today since it is due tomorrow and he has had it assigned since Friday and he just started at like 1:00 last night.

I was going to go with Josh to serve the homeless and God's word but my family is going to Mizu's tonight. So I guess I'll go next time.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wii Ware

I played some Wii Ware today with Zach and Andrew. We played TV Show King and Defend Your Castle. I think TV Show King was fun. Then we played some Brawl and Pokemon Snap. Yup that pretty much summed up the night. Oh I brought out my children's card game cards and dueled for awhile and yup that was it I guess...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weird Nicknames?!

Ok. So those weird friends came up with some weird nicknames for me. Most of them were names I already heard of but they came up with some random nicknames...

Anyways they asked me which one I liked, so I signed off.

Weird Friends

Okay so I have some weird friends that invite me into a random chat room when I am busy with an animation. Two of them were these really weird girls that I hardly talk to because they are strange and talk too much. Then there was John. I barely did anything in the chat because they mainly talked about food and boredom. So yeah I was working on a video during the time and ignoring most of the IMs.

Next semester, I'm going to be with my church friends maybe. So they will be normal people.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Few more days left of school...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Night Lights

Its a wonderful night for most people but I have studies to do for my Math Class. My brother was supposed to go see Narnia: Prince Caspian but due to his lack of direction in life he couldn't make it to the movies with the church.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shut Up!

Dang... man. My lil' bro won't do his homework and my parents are getting pissed. Now he is screamin' and whining so loud that my iTunes on full blast won't have any effect. Man this friking sucks. I can't freaking do my homework. Just SHUT UP! Yo, doesn't yelling and screaming like a lil' baby tire you out after a long period of time. Dang man just shut yo mouth and do yo homework.

The World Begins With You

I beat The World Ends With You. Its a cool game. I'm doing the secret episode right now which I am stuck on because I have to fight a bunch of bosses and stuff. Also I have these new pins which I have no idea what they are for. I have a pin called Eiji the Prince... It does absolutely nothing and it is a level 1 pin. So somehow is does do something. It is worth 50,000 yen but if I raise it to the max level it may be worth 99,999,999 yen on the game. Hmmm... anyways does anyone want to pin tin slam?!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog Pet, Oh Snaps Did It Die?!

OMG! My blog pet thingy looks dead. I guess it really does matter if I feed it daily. Looks like I gotta feed it now so it won't die out on me. Yo. Lets give it some food and make it alive and kickin. Just click on the ice cream truck and drag food to him. Whoever actually views my blog well that would help a lot thanks! Just don't feed him the things that look like "poop".

Monday, May 12, 2008

Brother Ruins Every Holiday!

Yes it is true after yesterday... My brother really does ruin every holiday. On my birthday he ruined my dinner when he kept annoying me by asking me a dumb question and I gave him the same response. He asked if I would like to switch seats which I thought was a dumb question... He wanted to switch seats so he could lay his head back since there was no one behind me. (retard... gosh...) I think his upcoming birthday will be ruined by the whole family as a revenge for ruining everything else.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Well my mom got my present which was two really interesting cook books. My dad got my mom something but I never knew what. My brother I guess didn't even care and got her nothing... Well he did kind of ruin Mother's Day for making my mom mad on Mother's Day...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Gift

Did you get your mom a gift yet? If you didn't you better get to the stores fast because everywhere is packed with people. I got my mom a gift and I hope she likes it. Anyways I found a perfect hiding spot to hide the gift away from her. Unfortunately I forgot where I hid the gift so I better find it before tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Super Robot Taisen Original Generation

Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 1 and 2 are awesome games that I really enjoy playing on the Game Boy Advance. If there are fans of this game that really want to play another version, there is Super Robot Taisen W and some other titles for the Nintendo DS. Anyways if you haven't played this game than you are missing out on the fun and action of this rpg!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Photoshop Demo (May)

Photoshop Demo (May) Collage. Enjoy.

Channel 73 Comcast

Aww man, all of the shows like Just Jordan and the show with Lil' Bow Wow from Nickelodeon are on channel 73. Very interesting, indeed.

Zoey 101: Chasing Zoey

Finally Chase comes back and Zoey breaks up with the other guy. Also Quinn and Logan are together and everyone is all happy well except for Dustin. It was funny to see some random asian guy "Mr. Takado" the driving master. LoL, I remember the line where he says "I am not real".

Good movie and can't wait to see the new season.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Currently Listening to: Wang Leehom

1. Where's the Love
2. Our Song
3. Zai Mei Bian
4. Rang Kai
5. Heroes of the Earth
6. Gai Shi Ying Xiong
7. Cockney Girl
8. You're a Song in my Heart
9. Ai De Jiu Shi Ni
10. Ni Bu Zai

I still like songs that were sang by Leehom. He is known everywhere around Southern China. I could ask any random person in Beijing about him and they'll know who he is.

Silly Phone Survey (Don't Answer)

If someone calls your phone and tells you that you could win a trip to Australia and $25,000, you should probably hang up. Well somebody called my cell today while I was sleeping... They like continuously called and after like 100 missed messages I finally answered the call and took part of their survey.

First they asked me some life questions... I mumbled my answers because I was sleepy and then I ended the call...

So it is kind of pathetic to call me about something i wouldn't really care about. I think the original question was, "Would you like to apply for a credit card?" Well anyways my answer would be "no" because I already have a credit card, I don't need two or more...

So yes don't answer your cell if you get 100 continuous calls from an unknown person and if you get lost in the conversation in less than 30 seconds, just hang up the phone.

Mr. X has his own campaign

Mysterious Mr. X has his own campaigns now. I remember when that user just joined the brickfish site. Anyways I enter his campaign. Check it out.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

BR 31 Cent Scoop Day

WOW! Yesterday was busy. Everyone wanted ice cream. I bought 15 scoops of ice cream for $5! Yay for BR ice cream. ;D

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2008 Asian Excellance Awards

AZN TV used to air on cable television everyday. Now it doesn't...
Anyways, I got a chance to see the Asian Excellance Awards and I liked watching it. It had all of my favorite actors and also my favorite band. The Random Ninjas were randomly there. That is just awesome. If I were in the city, I would be assigned to be a photographer at such an event. I hope to one day be at this wonderful place receiving an award. Maybe Josh will get an award for best film producer.

In Memory of Ning Ning

My grandma passed away on April 30, 2006. I still remember her today. She was kind-hearted and always gave me a lot of wisdom. Now she is in a better place and I thank God for allowing her into His kingdom.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mario Kart Wii

Okay. I wanted to take some time to talk about Mario Kart for the Nintendo Wii. Well when I bought the game at Target, a whole bunch of people in the area were also buying the game, lol. Anyways the game is in a box with the Wii Wheel. At GameStop they have two types of Wii Wheels. I suggest that you buy the Nintendo brand rather than the other brand. Best Buy has the Wii Wheel for $6 cheaper so if your Best Buy near you has it, I suggest you go there to save some money.
I'm going to now talk about the gameplay. I didn't do much in the game so far, but the controls with the Wii Wheel make it a really cool game. You can also use the Wii Remote, Classic Controller or the Gamecube Controller if you don't have another Wii Wheel. The game has new courses for the Wii system and many of the classic courses from the previous systems such as the Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. The balloon battle is a lot more fun now because if you lose all three balloons you won't turn into a ghost and have a boring time. Also when you are jumping into the air with your bike or kart, you can perform special tricks which give an acceleration boast. In 50cc, you'll use karts. In 100cc, you'll use bikes. In 150cc, you'll be allowed to use both.
Now I hope the information helped and now I am going to go and race now :D
Oh yeah and this game can go Wi-Fi. You can play the creator of this game I think.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Forbidden Kingdom

Now this movie is really good. It has Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Crystal Liu. Though I don't really know who the non-chinese guy is.......

I like how Jet Li shows comedy in this film rather than always be serious. I like the story of this film it was good. Everyone should see it :D

I was going to give a video review in Mandarin and add subtitles but I was too lazy and fell asleep...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Brother and Manners

I always write about my brother and something about him, huh?

Well today was my birthday and he was trying to ruin it a dinner time by making the people behind us annoyed. He was trying to lean his head backwards for relaxation and also he complained out loud about the food....

I chose that place for my birthday and thought it was good food...

Congrats to the Lyrical Engineer Family!

Congratulations to singers, Only Won and Larissa Lam on your wedding! I remember seeing you guys at a concert near my house. Thanks for letting me and everyone from my church family know you guys!

Naruto Shinobi Retsuden 2

This game is much better than the first one which was recently released in America. This game starts off with over 15 characters and today I just unlocked 3 more and there are still like 50 more characters to unlock. This game also has a little rpg action in it which is a new addition to Retsuden. Fighting random shinobi is fun and I wonder if they can be unlocked as characters because some them are hard to defeat... This game has a lot of characters from Shippuden as well as all the younger versions of the characters from the old game. The most annoying character to fight has got to be the old version of Sasuke. The new Sasuke is easy to avoid because he uses his sword more than anything else. In this game, there are like 5 forms of Naruto.

Chevys Enchiladas

Chevys has like the spiciest enchiladas and they're cheaper than Rubios! Plus they have more flavor!

Happy Birthday Scott and Pastor Dave!

I am thankful for everyone that has wished me a happy birthday today and saying thanks for all the gifts. Although no one really wished me a happy birthday on myspace... a lot of people on facebook wished me a happy birthday. Facebook is still totally cool and much greater than myspace. When all of my friends transfer to facebook, I'll delete my myspace account. Anyways I hope Pastor Dave had a great birthday as well because we have the same birthday.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rubios Enchiladas

I dunno why but Rubios makes the smallest enchiladas I ever seen. So on Tuesday nights don't buy an enchilada, just buy like 3 fish tacos for $3.

Also coming up on the 30th is 31 cent scoop night at Baskin n Robbins.

iTunes + internet = weirdness

Well I had my iTunes on when I was on the internet studying in the library when all of a sudden some random person's playlist comes up on my iTunes... I don't know if all iTunes are supposed to be that way but people have weird music...

I usually listen to a Christian band or music that is international.

Silent Water Productions

Currently trying to get out of beta version.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Season 2s

A lot of season 2s of anime are coming out this fall.

April New Designs

Pokemon Morph #1: Charmanderzard

Pokemon Morph #2: Fire Pokemon Starters

Pokemon Morph #3: Pachirisu, Plusle, Minun, Pichu and Pikachu

Beijing Olympics 2008 Banner Design


Tulips are growing now that it is Spring.