Friday, May 2, 2008

Silly Phone Survey (Don't Answer)

If someone calls your phone and tells you that you could win a trip to Australia and $25,000, you should probably hang up. Well somebody called my cell today while I was sleeping... They like continuously called and after like 100 missed messages I finally answered the call and took part of their survey.

First they asked me some life questions... I mumbled my answers because I was sleepy and then I ended the call...

So it is kind of pathetic to call me about something i wouldn't really care about. I think the original question was, "Would you like to apply for a credit card?" Well anyways my answer would be "no" because I already have a credit card, I don't need two or more...

So yes don't answer your cell if you get 100 continuous calls from an unknown person and if you get lost in the conversation in less than 30 seconds, just hang up the phone.

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