Sunday, December 23, 2007

Today's Today

Interesting title?

Well today I dressed up for Sunday service because I was supposed to help the children sing at church today. (=_=) I was the only one that dressed up...

Well we had 8 people helping today and 2 of us were in college, the rest were in highschool. Did you do the math for highschool? The answer is 6. If you got the wrong answer then you probably should read a first grade math book. The children's program was 30 minutes long and I missed service today so I have to download the podcast of iTunes later. I was in the nursery with Marisa (Eric and Kathy's daughter). With some people from old school (LIFE). Josh was here today but I couldn't chat that long because Norman wanted to give me my apple soda gift and Becky wanted me to get Zachary so I can get a gift from him.

Then in the afternoon I fell asleep after playing Guilty Gear Judgement on my PSP, which is a really addicting game when you already know the buttons. Then I woke up when cousin Christian, Candice and Zach came over (The Gin Family).

Then the last thing I did before eating milk and cookies and going to write this blog for today was I played Super Mario Galaxy for the Nintendo Wii. I am almost farther than my brother in the game even though my brother started yesterday and played longer than me.

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