Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today, I went to the football game at CGBC. There were two people from RRNC but the rest of the guys who were playing were from CG and some who didn't go to church, but at Kennedy there were a whole bunch of people who were playing football. I heard Gavin and Chris were playing at Kennedy. I wonder if Jared was there.

In the afternoon, I spent my day cleaning up my room and going out to run in the cold. It was really cold today. There were a bunch of people at the park near my house from LCBC playing football. I played some tennis for awhile at a different park, but my hands were frozen so I stopped.

Thanksgiving dinner was good. We had soup that was really good and hot. There was turkey, duck and chicken. We had sushi from Megami, the sushi bar that my uncle owns. We had jello because all asian buffets have it, lol. We had vegetables. It was good. Christmas dinner is coming in like 4 weeks and I can't wait to eat my grandpa's seafood!

Now I am tired because I played Scrabble with my brother and won! I got 254 points. Then I played Link's Crossbow Training on Wii.

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