Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Senior Breakfast

Whats the point of playing video games when your parents tell you everything you should do? Well my brother plays Zelda and he is collecting rupees during a dungeon. My dad is like yelling at my brother to just stick to the journey. Hey when I play Zelda, I usually collect all the treasure in the dungeon before doing anything. Also when fighting a boss my dad is telling my brother to do something. Also when Link rolls on the ground, my dad says not to do that because it will hurt Link's head or back, but hey its a video game, geez. My brother wasted $50 on that game and it was on sale at Play N Trade for $20. I was going to buy it for him but he couldn't wait so he totally wasted his money. Man I told him to buy Super Paper Mario. Dang it I love playing games that are fun and not so confusing like Cooking Mama.

Anyway today I arrived at school at the regular time and I met with Diego and my old school crew. Hmm... tomorrow is rehearsal and senior breakfast. Sweeet I'm bringing some honey and some butter to put on my pancakes. They better have sausage. OOOOO just in case I'm going to Raleys before I go just to get some milk.... Free food, but the way I eat I guess it won't really be free because I love pancakes. Oh and that reminds me I still need more signatures in my yearbook. I gotta catch em all... lol

Ok... China Updates:
I will be going to three leprosy villages, a pathetic limb factory, an orphanage handicap child place and the places of sight-seeing in China. I will be a photographer and a filmographer. Can't wait for my trip so excited....

I'm going to Hawaii next week. Maybe I'll make a Hawaii movie. Hmmm... should I bring my surfboard, nah its kinda heavy to carry around, so maybe I'll just bring my skateboard. Well graduation is on Wednesday night and then it is Sober Grad Night... ALL NIGHT NO SLEEP!!!Well I might fall asleep if I play DDR because I get tired... I gotta practice DDR now, see ya

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