Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Annoying Brother

Gosh, my brother is so annoying. Tonight, while watching television he came downstairs to the room I was watching TV in and played his game with the surround sound on. Man it was so annoying. I told him to turn it down and then he just said "No! I need the sound on!" In my head I was like why is this dork playing his DS where I can hear annoying sounds? Why can't I watch TV in peace?!
While I was washing the dishes, my brother took my lion pillow. Man that is my favorite pillow and he stuffed it under the couch. It is also my favorite stuffed animal in my room. Once I lifted the couch and moved the lion out from underneath, my brother just stuffed my lion back underneath. He did this like a thousand times which really annoyed me. I'm usually the one that does all the work in the house. I clean bathrooms, the kitchen, my room, the backyard, etc.
My brother says he can't mow the lawn because he can smell the gasoline. Well I am like: "Hey little brat how come you don't complain about the smell of a gas station? It has the same smell but worst!"
Also my brother never cleans the dishes because he always says he has homework to do and what pisses me off is that once I am done doing dishes I walk up to the room he said he was doing homework in and he is playing video games.
Man my brother is really lazy and annoying and if I could turn into multiples of myslef like a ninja I could totally take control.

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