Sunday, October 28, 2007

First Horror Short

Well I started filming the first horror short today. It took a long time because I kept on laughing because the crew kept smiling when they weren't supposed to. Also I like putting a little comedy in each video and I was supposed to fake put mouthwash in my nose, but like a whole cup worth of it accidentally went in my nose and my nose became all minty and stuff...

You are probably like saying: "Ewww" well yeah it was nasty. My nose was minty for like half an hour, lol.

Apple Hill

Well yesterday, I went to Boa Vista, Apple Hill. I went to the apple market and it was interesting because of all the apples that they had there. The most funny apple name was Macintosh because I was thinking of the computer Macintosh, lol. Anyway we bought 2 boxes of 20 lbs worth of apples for $5 each. Amazing! (Sugoi!)

My mom made apple cake and it was delicious.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Josh Yee's Video

Josh has been my friend every since... well before I turned 2. He and his video team made an awesome new video, so vote for it!

Here is the link:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

List of games one should get

Okay such a weird blog layout but anyways, I'm having fun with these games right now. Also I've been playing Tony Hawk's Proving Ground and Yugioh 2007 on ds.

My DingleIt Gunther Creations

Many dingle fans love my Gumpkin

My Halloween trick or treat bag

A pokeball that was transformed into a Gunther
My advertisement banner for the site for halloween season

The Dingle Boo

Well I never checked my email until now but the dingle boo suddenly surprised me yesterday. I stayed up from 5 til 10 on their chatbox. The winner of the dingle was announced at 10:30 last night. Everything was exciting and heated up.

Last people online on the chat box: sfsword, nasigosong, darkkeevan6, and tammyd57 and some random people who don't even go on the site

3 dinglenuts and 1 dingleholic

Saturday, October 13, 2007

This Weekend

Last night, Zach stayed over and was at LIFE. I am no longer part of LIFE, but FOCUS should be starting up soon so I'm going to go to FOCUS as soon as it starts up. I am going to buy a microphone for my psp so I can use it online. My skills at Ultimate Stars has improved, I made a new deck with Sasuke and Naruto 7 and 8 komas.

Anyways my parents are going to be out again tonight and my brother has a project that he has had 3 months to do which he has just started this morning to work on. So he has to finish it while I have to supervise him.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Videos for Christ

I am starting again with Christian rap music videos. I will be using Hightyde again as well as Only Won, King MC, Lecrae, Everday Process and Trip Lee.

Also I've been listening to more of David Crowder Band, Sanctus Real, and Kutless.

I might do Kutless' song "Superman"

Philosophy of Martial Arts

This weekend my professor, Dr. Rick Schubert will be speaking UC Berkley for a martial arts philosophical exhibition. Now to start a quick introduction of my magnificent professor. He is my Eastern Philosophy teacher at my school Consumnes River College. He is also a master of a martial arts. I don't know which one, but he gave his lecture on martial arts today. I got so into it that I might take his Martial Arts Philosophy class this Spring.

Anyways the way he made his lecture today he put confucisim and daoism connected to martial arts. His topic was on Master and Student relationship.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Annoying Brother

Gosh, my brother is so annoying. Tonight, while watching television he came downstairs to the room I was watching TV in and played his game with the surround sound on. Man it was so annoying. I told him to turn it down and then he just said "No! I need the sound on!" In my head I was like why is this dork playing his DS where I can hear annoying sounds? Why can't I watch TV in peace?!
While I was washing the dishes, my brother took my lion pillow. Man that is my favorite pillow and he stuffed it under the couch. It is also my favorite stuffed animal in my room. Once I lifted the couch and moved the lion out from underneath, my brother just stuffed my lion back underneath. He did this like a thousand times which really annoyed me. I'm usually the one that does all the work in the house. I clean bathrooms, the kitchen, my room, the backyard, etc.
My brother says he can't mow the lawn because he can smell the gasoline. Well I am like: "Hey little brat how come you don't complain about the smell of a gas station? It has the same smell but worst!"
Also my brother never cleans the dishes because he always says he has homework to do and what pisses me off is that once I am done doing dishes I walk up to the room he said he was doing homework in and he is playing video games.
Man my brother is really lazy and annoying and if I could turn into multiples of myslef like a ninja I could totally take control.

Make a Hollow Mask from Bleach

1) Cover your a side of your face with your hand and make it look like the hand is morphing into a mask.

2) Now draw out how the hand formation was or take a picture of how it looks.

Photoshop steps:

1) Cut off the wrist from the picture.

2) Color the hand part white.

3) Add a hollow eye which is usually yellow surrounded with black for darkness.

4) Add patterns to the mask.

5) Make it look like the hollow mask is just forming on the face.

The other way is a clay mask sculpture, which I've tried once before and it works out really nicely.

Nintendo DS Browser

Yesterday night, I was on with my DS Browser. It was fun to see things on the web with the browser. I went on Youtube and other flash sites and unfortunatly flash doesn't work too well. Sites such as facebook and blogger work though. I was able to do the Pirates Application on facebook with my ds. Good times, good times I think I might do it again tonight. LoL.

Facebook vs Myspace

Scott Fong's Facebook profile CLICK ON BANNER!

Join facebook today! It is way better than myspace.

There are so many great applications such as:

1) Pirates Application: Explore the sea and act as a pirate on your computer
2) Food Fight: Throw virtual food at your friends
3) Nes Games: Play the old Genesis and Nintendo games on computer
4) Questions: Ask your friends a question

It is also a lot organized than myspace. It allows you to use html on the Advanced Wall. You can send videos and images to your friends.

But there are myspace fans who think facebook plain out sucks and myspace is better. You see I use both and I like facebook a lot better. Input from one of my friends about this issue: "Facebook displays too much of my personal information and myspace doesn't." My answer: "Well dude there is an option to turn off that so stop complaining."

Okay my little brother thinks myspace is cooler because his friends go on. BUT he doesn't use myspace or facebook. So there is his problem. He plays Neopets which I think is a children's website.

My opinions on

Its a place for friends but I get friend requests from strangers, whom I ignore because they are not my friends. Also Myspace has a lot of spyware and viruses. Some of the links I use by doing (a href) and stuff don't work. The only thing I like about myspace is my friends on there which would be better if they all moved to facebook, where I know everyone in my friends list. A much safer place than myspace is facebook.

Oh and I've seen myspace change, it is becoming more like facebook except with no applications.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Encouraging People to Dingle It!

I encourage people to visit Why? Because you can earn great prizes. Everyday there is a new prize. Here are some of the prizes that they offer:
1) Ipod Nano
2) Spooky Halloween Decorations
3) Gift cards to stores such as Best Buy
4) Gift cards to food places like Jamba Juice
5) Bluetooth USB
6) Wii Supplies
7) And a lot of more exciting things
It is super exciting every day. I like the way they have something different everyday. If you join the site you will have a great time. There is a vodcast on youtube and on the site. So far they've had two vodcasts. Here is there first vodcast from youtube:
It is a really good vodcast. It looks like they used Adobe Premiere or After Effects. Anyways the forums are a great thing also. Posting on the online threads is great. Also I started a Random Topic thread where random things can be posted and it is cool.
Here are online banners that can be posted on websites:

Remember to dingle everyday, DINGLE ON DUDES AND DUDETTES!!!

Super Old Pictures Blog

All super old pictures from childhood that I had on my laptop.

Today's School

Well today I missed the Dingle Dash on

It was from 9 - 10 AM and that was exactly how my class schedule was.

Well today, Matt and I were looking for the recital hall on campus for like 15 minutes and we finally found a giant building hidden at the end of nowhere on campus that said recital hall. There were two sessions and I attended the first session while Matt attended both without knowing what time is really was. He might have missed his next class.

So Matt looked like a game nerd today and girls laughed as they sat next to him. I sat at the end corner, where I fell asleep after sketching the face of Dr. Sanchez, the last speaker of the 1st session.

Oh and then I drank some Jones Apple Soda!!! has been like a daily routine for me. I get to dingle, which is clicking a button everyday that can win me a super good prize. Well I've won once on the site and I like posting in the forums.

Here is a video of what I won from
Here is a link to the

Beginning of blog

Well I've been using Xanga for a long time and I have just started to use Blogger.
Above is my newest site layout

Friday, October 5, 2007

NBC Thursday

Last night's episodes on NBC was great again! Well new DS games are out to download and I just downloaded Kuropoto Cool Cool Stars. I don't know what it is about I want to try it this weekend! Anyways is progressing a lot more now and my website is finding a new server that doesn't cost much or hopefully I can get one free and have a personal URL. Anyways Evan Almighty comes out on Tuesday, but I've had the movie for about 2 months already and yeah I've watched it about 500 times already. I wonder how many people are going to buy it.
I have the version from China