Friday, May 30, 2008

Patriot MicroSD

Well my mom finally found it and I discovered that I chose a 2 pack 2gb microsd combo without looking. Amazingly it only cost $30.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So I told my mom to buy a MicroSD card for my brother's R4 and she lost it. Now I hope my brother doesn't take my DS again on Tuesday nights when I am not home...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Brother's Bday Celebration

Today we are celebrating my brother's birthday, which is tomorrow but we will have no time tomorrow because of work and school. Well at least I am not in school anymore but my brother will have school all day. I start work at the library really soon. Anyways so far my brother woke up, played video games and then went back to sleep. Wow, he has got to be the laziest person I know. He is supposed to finish his homework today since it is due tomorrow and he has had it assigned since Friday and he just started at like 1:00 last night.

I was going to go with Josh to serve the homeless and God's word but my family is going to Mizu's tonight. So I guess I'll go next time.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wii Ware

I played some Wii Ware today with Zach and Andrew. We played TV Show King and Defend Your Castle. I think TV Show King was fun. Then we played some Brawl and Pokemon Snap. Yup that pretty much summed up the night. Oh I brought out my children's card game cards and dueled for awhile and yup that was it I guess...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weird Nicknames?!

Ok. So those weird friends came up with some weird nicknames for me. Most of them were names I already heard of but they came up with some random nicknames...

Anyways they asked me which one I liked, so I signed off.

Weird Friends

Okay so I have some weird friends that invite me into a random chat room when I am busy with an animation. Two of them were these really weird girls that I hardly talk to because they are strange and talk too much. Then there was John. I barely did anything in the chat because they mainly talked about food and boredom. So yeah I was working on a video during the time and ignoring most of the IMs.

Next semester, I'm going to be with my church friends maybe. So they will be normal people.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Few more days left of school...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Night Lights

Its a wonderful night for most people but I have studies to do for my Math Class. My brother was supposed to go see Narnia: Prince Caspian but due to his lack of direction in life he couldn't make it to the movies with the church.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shut Up!

Dang... man. My lil' bro won't do his homework and my parents are getting pissed. Now he is screamin' and whining so loud that my iTunes on full blast won't have any effect. Man this friking sucks. I can't freaking do my homework. Just SHUT UP! Yo, doesn't yelling and screaming like a lil' baby tire you out after a long period of time. Dang man just shut yo mouth and do yo homework.

The World Begins With You

I beat The World Ends With You. Its a cool game. I'm doing the secret episode right now which I am stuck on because I have to fight a bunch of bosses and stuff. Also I have these new pins which I have no idea what they are for. I have a pin called Eiji the Prince... It does absolutely nothing and it is a level 1 pin. So somehow is does do something. It is worth 50,000 yen but if I raise it to the max level it may be worth 99,999,999 yen on the game. Hmmm... anyways does anyone want to pin tin slam?!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog Pet, Oh Snaps Did It Die?!

OMG! My blog pet thingy looks dead. I guess it really does matter if I feed it daily. Looks like I gotta feed it now so it won't die out on me. Yo. Lets give it some food and make it alive and kickin. Just click on the ice cream truck and drag food to him. Whoever actually views my blog well that would help a lot thanks! Just don't feed him the things that look like "poop".

Monday, May 12, 2008

Brother Ruins Every Holiday!

Yes it is true after yesterday... My brother really does ruin every holiday. On my birthday he ruined my dinner when he kept annoying me by asking me a dumb question and I gave him the same response. He asked if I would like to switch seats which I thought was a dumb question... He wanted to switch seats so he could lay his head back since there was no one behind me. (retard... gosh...) I think his upcoming birthday will be ruined by the whole family as a revenge for ruining everything else.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Well my mom got my present which was two really interesting cook books. My dad got my mom something but I never knew what. My brother I guess didn't even care and got her nothing... Well he did kind of ruin Mother's Day for making my mom mad on Mother's Day...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Gift

Did you get your mom a gift yet? If you didn't you better get to the stores fast because everywhere is packed with people. I got my mom a gift and I hope she likes it. Anyways I found a perfect hiding spot to hide the gift away from her. Unfortunately I forgot where I hid the gift so I better find it before tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Super Robot Taisen Original Generation

Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 1 and 2 are awesome games that I really enjoy playing on the Game Boy Advance. If there are fans of this game that really want to play another version, there is Super Robot Taisen W and some other titles for the Nintendo DS. Anyways if you haven't played this game than you are missing out on the fun and action of this rpg!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Photoshop Demo (May)

Photoshop Demo (May) Collage. Enjoy.

Channel 73 Comcast

Aww man, all of the shows like Just Jordan and the show with Lil' Bow Wow from Nickelodeon are on channel 73. Very interesting, indeed.

Zoey 101: Chasing Zoey

Finally Chase comes back and Zoey breaks up with the other guy. Also Quinn and Logan are together and everyone is all happy well except for Dustin. It was funny to see some random asian guy "Mr. Takado" the driving master. LoL, I remember the line where he says "I am not real".

Good movie and can't wait to see the new season.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Currently Listening to: Wang Leehom

1. Where's the Love
2. Our Song
3. Zai Mei Bian
4. Rang Kai
5. Heroes of the Earth
6. Gai Shi Ying Xiong
7. Cockney Girl
8. You're a Song in my Heart
9. Ai De Jiu Shi Ni
10. Ni Bu Zai

I still like songs that were sang by Leehom. He is known everywhere around Southern China. I could ask any random person in Beijing about him and they'll know who he is.

Silly Phone Survey (Don't Answer)

If someone calls your phone and tells you that you could win a trip to Australia and $25,000, you should probably hang up. Well somebody called my cell today while I was sleeping... They like continuously called and after like 100 missed messages I finally answered the call and took part of their survey.

First they asked me some life questions... I mumbled my answers because I was sleepy and then I ended the call...

So it is kind of pathetic to call me about something i wouldn't really care about. I think the original question was, "Would you like to apply for a credit card?" Well anyways my answer would be "no" because I already have a credit card, I don't need two or more...

So yes don't answer your cell if you get 100 continuous calls from an unknown person and if you get lost in the conversation in less than 30 seconds, just hang up the phone.

Mr. X has his own campaign

Mysterious Mr. X has his own campaigns now. I remember when that user just joined the brickfish site. Anyways I enter his campaign. Check it out.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

BR 31 Cent Scoop Day

WOW! Yesterday was busy. Everyone wanted ice cream. I bought 15 scoops of ice cream for $5! Yay for BR ice cream. ;D