Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kirby Super Star Ultra

Kirby Super Star Ultra finally came out too. The different modes on this game is what makes it worth playing. Also there are more powers to use and combinations with the powers. I like this game because you can have a partner with a certain power. One of the new powers which is called Reflect is pretty sweet. Kirby uses mirrors to reflect fireballs or whatever. I also like the Yo-Yo ability because Kirby is like Ness from Earthbound. What I mean by there are more combos with abilities is like the sword ability. It can do much more in this game than before.

Also the cut scenes are all in 3D. The hardest game on this game is Great Cave Offensive because you collect treasures. There are new treasures to this game like Koopa Shell or Screw Attack. Also for this game they introduced new bosses like this RPG boss which is really random.

Check this game out because it is awesome.

Time Hollow

Time Hollow was just released in English. Its a pretty cool game with a lot of mystery. Right now I am on chapter 2. The anime scenes are pretty good. I wish this were a real anime.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fall is here and School is In

Wow its been awhile, huh? Last time I posted was during the Olympics. Well a lot has happened since then. School is back and my classes are well they're okay I guess. Except my art history class. I don't really like it because it is boring.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Plus and Minus >>> Silent Water Studios

Plus and Minus Productions is converting back to the original name. It is now Silent Water Studios.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yung Wok Music Video

Watch it! New music video by Chocamilk Studios featuring me :D

Oh and you'll notice that this is for the "Nice Guy" Wong Fu video contest.